Tuesday, August 26, 2014

D3JS Drawing library & Gauge Chart

Today I was exploring different kind charting libraries to develop gauge chart in JavaScript. I explored the following charting libraries and finally developed gauge chart using d3js. we can develop extremely complicated graphs and charts using  d3js because it is drawing library and the good thing is that it will renders it's results in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).
The Javascript  libraries I explored for gauge charts are :
  • Jqplot Provide simple meter in non attractive manner
  • Flot  Better the Jqplot but but still less professional 
  • Google Chart Professional output and it is also generating cross browser compatible HTML/SVG chart like d3js
  • Fusion Chart(Commercial) professional output but not free

You can find below chart example from my github account. I took and extend example from following example https://gist.github.com/tomerd/1499279


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